
Showing posts from September, 2020


  Activity: The Flow Chart, Block Diagram and Hardware Designing Flow Chart The flowchart is to know how the process to measure the respiratory rate.  For starting switch on the sensor and wit for led to light up. If no led, try to press the switch again if yes it will move to sensor response. If yes, the flow goes to Bluetooth connection to the PC. Waiting for connection if yes, the green led will light up and the Bluetooth is connected. The it will gain the FSR data and signal wave. After that it will perform the complementary filtering. The Flow Chart for my FYP is Designing Block Diagram This block diagram explains on how the project function.   The first part is the input used by the forcing resistant resistor to detect the chess pressure exerted by the thoracic. The pressure obtained is processed by Arduino and the data is transformed from analogue to digital. After that the data will be transferred through the Bluetooth module to the computer or phone. The PUI will be able to mo


METHODOLOGY, RESULT & DISCUSSION  Activity: For this week, we basically arrive at second FYP 1 briefing. The briefing was conducted via online  The briefing was conducted on: ·           DATE                          :   23th September 2020 (Wednesday) ·           TIME                           :  3:00 till 5:00 pm ·           VENUE                       : ONLINE  via Microsoft Teams ·           ATTENDANCE          : Compulsory to all FYP student ·             Objective:  To know all details about chapter 2 (methodology). Content: •        Block Diagram •        Flowchart •        Schematic Diagram •        Simulation Software •        Plan layout •        List of components/equipment •        Cost Estimation •        Gant chart Conclusion The students were required to learn about writing the methodology which explains about the components used to create the project and describe the working principle of the project.


  Activity : The Literature Reveiw So, the next step must be proceed as soon as possible. I need to prepared the literature review for this project. The literature review is to compared the previous work and what i have to do to this project for better improvement. i need to study about the objective and their problem so that i can come up with new development. 


  Activity : Workshop on Introduction (Chapter 1), Literature Review (Chapter 2) Writing and  Detailing About Project For this week, the briefing is about introduction and literature review. For the introduction in the report, we need to state the  Problem statement Aims or Objective Scope of product Method used Report organization Literature Review; the literature review means that t he review of the literature is traditionally considered a systematic and critical review of the most important published scholarly literature on a particular topic. The purpose of the literature is  Determines what is known about a subject, concept or problem Describes strengths & weaknesses of designs, methods of inquiry and instruments used in earlier works It shows that you have read the work of other researchers in your particular area It provides more detailed information about studies already referred to briefly in the introduction to your FYP Provide a critical review of the existing methods in