For this week, I'm going to design the circuit diagram for my project. This circuit consist of several component including the microcontroller NodeMCU.


So, I'm using the fritzing software to design the circuit diagram on breadboard. I'm using A0 as the Input for the Force Sensitivity Resistor. For LED I'm using the D1 and D3 pin for the output. The push button is use as the external reset button and is connected to the RESET pin. The switch is use to turn on and off the circuit.

So how this device work. when we are breathing, there will be a change in resistance with respect to the force of the thoracic. When breathing occurs, there will be increase in the force. This increase in force will reduce the resistance in FSR and this reduction in resistance will allow conductance and this conduction is counted as one breath. This is the process involved in measuring the heart rate.
